

 ‘Love Young People (LYP’s) vision is to change the lives of young people for the better.’

‘Our courses and workshops help to increase self-esteem, thus building feelings of self-worth and prevent long-term emotional damage. This enables them to make positive life-decisions in the future for themselves and those around them.’

 LYP is a Cambridgeshire-based course provider developed to change young people’s lives through teaching and training.

Our team has worked professionally with young people for many years and through our experiences we have observed that there’s a valid need for an ‘intervention’ in schools and young people.

LYP is passionate about helping young people reach their full potential. By working with teachers we help teenagers understand their own personal worth, strength and purpose.

We run a series of successful courses and workshops:

  • Self-Esteem For Boys and Girls – ages 11-17
  • The dangers of online pornography and how it affects young people
  • Mentoring programme in schools 
  • Trauma informed techniques and strategies to help young people 
  • Understanding Mental Health issue in teenagers 

Since being involved with young people with our work, we began to notice an increasing drop in the quality of self-help training in education due to severe government funding cuts. This led to us to devise a series of courses and workshops to begin working in tandem with schools that are in desperate need of preventative work being provided for their students.

The Future: LYP is looking for help with key providers in:

  1. Developing new avenues of funding opportunities.
  2. Developing a marketing and communications strategy for an online media presence.
  3. Develop an interactive websiteto establish the social media, marketing and brand. Also to provide online resources and workshops.
  4. Establishing a license fee or franchise options with different buy-in levels for teachers, trainers, faith groups and youth workers.
  5. Financial funding strategy for the next 5 years: 

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